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We MOVED - New Home Update!

Hi friends!

Wow, I can't believe it's July and I haven't posted since Christmas time! I apologize. A lot of new and exciting changes happening personally and professionally.

We sold our 1 bedroom condo in Washington and moved to a two-bedroom rental. This has been something that was on our minds for a while, and when we decided to put it on the market, everything happened so fast!

I will make a separate post on some tips I have regarding how we listed, staged and sold our condo. Let me know if that’s something you would like to see in a video and/or read in a post! I couldn’t announce we moved without an empty house tour! I wanted to also share we are now leasing our home. To stay in the area we wanted, and get the more room we needed, we chose to lease. We couldn’t be happier because honestly, we have so many more amenities and perks vs. buying! At this point in time, we are not looking to purchase again until maybe our forever home. We moved from a 658sq. ft. 1 bedroom 1 bath condo unit to a 840sq. ft. 1 bed, 1 den, 2 bathroom apartment. We have a lot more living space, storage, and most importantly we have a second bedroom and bathroom for our daughter, Kamille (she's 4 and a half now!). We are so grateful. Amenities our building has includes a gym, outdoor sports courtyard, BBQ and fire pit, indoor lounge with chef’s kitchen, and overall beautiful and new apartment building here in Washington State in a neighborhood we love.

We are only about 15 minutes away from our old home, and still in the great school district we strongly desired. This wasn’t a spur of the moment choice, we thought about this for a couple of years until the time was right. Selling our condo in the long run helped us financially, and was a great investment we made 3 years ago.

Here is the empty modern apartment living tour!

Laptop On Tray


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